Pranayama is the ancient practice of controlling your breath. You control the timing, duration, and frequency of every breath and hold. The goal of Pranayam is to connect your body and mind. It also supplies your body with oxygen while removing toxins. This is meant to provide healing physiological benefits. The practice of Pranayama dates back to ancient India and the origins of yoga are said to be around the sixth and fifth centuries BCE. Pranayama is mentioned in early yoga texts such as the Bhagavad Gita, The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, and Hatha Yoga Pradipika. Breath is a key element of spirituality across all cultures and religions.
Our Approach
At Iron lion Fitness and Holistic Healing we want to make sure that our clients understand that breath, mind, and consciousness all depend on each other. There must be a synergistic relationship between the three in order for an individual to truly function at a high level. Proper control of the breath through mindfulness unlocks the conscious mind, removes stress, and will increase your vitality. 70% of the bodies waste is actually meant to be released through the breath, let us help you gain control of your health and transition into your higher self.